If you have ever used Google Chrome's Audit tool you've probably noticed that almost no matter what you do Audit will tell you that your CSS is blocking the rendering of your site. If you take a look at the report details Google recommends loading critical parts of your styling directly in the…
There are easy ways to use CSS to make a font-size adapt to the size of the screen it is rendered on. With this fluid font-size, your font is always 1% of the width of your viewport. This means that if you have a small screen your text is small. And on a big screen, the text is big. But, if you use…
Hvordan afkoder man de typografiske begreber i Photoshop, så de kan bruges i et stylesheet til hjemmesider? Typografi er et utroligt vigtigt designelement, som de fleste integratorer overser, når de konverterer et professionelt Photoshop-design til HTML og CSS. Og det er egentligt ret ærgerligt. Lad…